$prefGroups : array
Preferences groups.
Class for generating/processing the preferences UI.
See Horde_Registry_Application for a summary of the API callbacks that are available.
Session variables set (stored in 'horde_prefs'): 'advanced' - (boolean) If true, display advanced prefs.
selfUrl(array $options = array()) : \Horde_Url
Returns a self URL to the current page.
array | $options | Additional options: 'special' - (boolean) If set, will trigger special action update processing when the URL is loaded. 'token' - (boolean) If set, includes the form token in the URL. |
The URL object.
_addHordeIdentitiesPrefs(array $pref_list) : array
Adds Horde base identities prefs to preference list.
array | $pref_list | Preference list. |
The preference list with the Horde preferences added, if needed. These prefs are also added to $this->prefs.