$_registry : \Horde_Registry
A registry instance.
The Horde_Core_Perms class provides information about internal Horde elements that can be managed through the Horde_Perms system.
Copyright 2001-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
$_registry : \Horde_Registry
A registry instance.
__construct(\Horde_Registry $registry, \Horde_Perms_Base $perms)
\Horde_Registry | $registry | |
\Horde_Perms_Base | $perms |
getAvailable(string $name) : array
Returns the available permissions for a given level.
string | $name | The permission's name. |
An array of available permissions and their titles or false if not sub permissions exist for this level.
newPermission(string $name) : \Horde_Perms_Permission
Returns a new permissions object.
This must be used instead of Horde_Perms_Base::newPermission() because it works with application-specific permissions.
string | $name | The permission's name. |
A new permissions object.
hasAppPermission(string $permission, array $opts = array()) : mixed
Finds out if the user has the specified rights to the given object, specific to a certain application.
string | $permission | The permission to check. |
array | $opts | Additional options: 'app' - (string) The app to check. DEFAULT: The current pushed app. 'opts' - (array) Additional options to pass to the app function. DEFAULT: None |
The specified permissions.