apc_fetch( $key)
$key |
FacebookServiceIf | |
Horde_Thrift | Fake class to autoload generated Thrift code |
TProtocolFactory | Protocol factory creates protocol objects from transports |
Argument | |
ContainerType | |
FacebookBase | Abstract Class providing null implementation for FacebookService methods. |
FacebookService_aliveSince_args | |
FacebookService_aliveSince_result | |
FacebookService_getCounter_args | |
FacebookService_getCounter_result | |
FacebookService_getCounters_args | |
FacebookService_getCounters_result | |
FacebookService_getCpuProfile_args | |
FacebookService_getCpuProfile_result | |
FacebookService_getLimitedReflection_args | |
FacebookService_getLimitedReflection_result | |
FacebookService_getName_args | |
FacebookService_getName_result | |
FacebookService_getOption_args | |
FacebookService_getOption_result | |
FacebookService_getOptions_args | |
FacebookService_getOptions_result | |
FacebookService_getStatus_args | |
FacebookService_getStatus_result | |
FacebookService_getStatusDetails_args | |
FacebookService_getStatusDetails_result | |
FacebookService_getVersion_args | |
FacebookService_getVersion_result | |
FacebookService_reinitialize_args | |
FacebookService_setOption_args | |
FacebookService_setOption_result | |
FacebookService_shutdown_args | |
FacebookServiceClient | |
FacebookServiceProcessor | |
fb_status | |
Method | |
Service | |
SimpleType | |
TApplicationException | NOTE(mcslee): This currently contains a ton of duplicated code from TBase because we need to save CPU cycles and this is not yet in an extension. |
TBase | Base class from which other Thrift structs extend. This is so that we can cut back on the size of the generated code which is turning out to have a nontrivial cost just to load thanks to the wondrously abysmal implementation of PHP. Note that code is intentionally duplicated in here to avoid making function calls for every field or member of a container. |
TBinaryProtocol | Binary implementation of the Thrift protocol. |
TBinaryProtocolAccelerated | Accelerated binary protocol: used in conjunction with the thrift_protocol extension for faster deserialization |
TBinaryProtocolFactory | Binary Protocol Factory |
TBufferedTransport | Buffered transport. Stores data to an internal buffer that it doesn't actually write out until flush is called. For reading, we do a greedy read and then serve data out of the internal buffer. |
TException | NOTE(mcslee): This currently contains a ton of duplicated code from TBase because we need to save CPU cycles and this is not yet in an extension. |
TFramedTransport | Framed transport. Writes and reads data in chunks that are stamped with their length. |
ThriftType | |
THttpClient | HTTP client for Thrift |
TMemoryBuffer | A memory buffer is a tranpsort that simply reads from and writes to an in-memory string buffer. Anytime you call write on it, the data is simply placed into a buffer, and anytime you call read, data is read from that buffer. |
TMessageType | Message types for RPC |
TNullTransport | Transport that only accepts writes and ignores them. |
TPhpStream | Php stream transport. Reads to and writes from the php standard streams php://input and php://output |
TProtocol | Protocol base class module. |
TProtocolException | Protocol exceptions |
TSocket | Sockets implementation of the TTransport interface. |
TSocketPool | Sockets implementation of the TTransport interface that allows connection to a pool of servers. |
TTransport | Base interface for a transport agent. |
TTransportException | Transport exceptions |
TType | Data types that can be sent via Thrift |
TTypeTag |