CaseInsensitiveArray.php 9

Type Line Description
error 27 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetGet
error 27 No summary for method offsetGet()
error 36 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 36 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 36 No summary for method offsetSet()
error 47 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetExists
error 47 No summary for method offsetExists()
error 54 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetUnset
error 54 No summary for method offsetUnset()

ObjectStub.php 10

Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for class \Horde_Support_ObjectStub
error 41 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __get
error 41 No summary for method __get()
error 50 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __set
error 50 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of __set
error 50 No summary for method __set()
error 57 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __isset
error 57 No summary for method __isset()
error 64 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of __unset
error 64 No summary for method __unset()

Numerizer/Locale/Pt.php 14

Type Line Description
error 15 No summary for class \Horde_Support_Numerizer_Locale_Pt
error 61 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of numerize
error 61 No summary for method numerize()
error 77 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _splitHyphenateWords
error 85 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _directReplacements
error 96 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceTenPrefixes
error 113 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceBigPrefixes
error 133 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _andition
error 133 No summary for method _andition()
error 141 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _fractionalAddition
error 141 No summary for method _fractionalAddition()
error 17 No summary for property $DIRECT_NUMS
error 42 No summary for property $TEN_PREFIXES
error 53 No summary for property $BIG_PREFIXES

Numerizer/Locale/De.php 9

Type Line Description
error 19 No summary for class \Horde_Support_Numerizer_Locale_De
error 71 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of numerize
error 84 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceTenPrefixes
error 101 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceBigPrefixes
error 122 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _andition
error 122 No summary for method _andition()
error 21 No summary for property $DIRECT_NUMS
error 44 No summary for property $TEN_PREFIXES
error 55 No summary for property $BIG_PREFIXES

Numerizer/Locale/Base.php 15

Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for class \Horde_Support_Numerizer_Locale_Base
error 65 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of numerize
error 65 No summary for method numerize()
error 82 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _splitHyphenatedWords
error 90 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _hideAHalf
error 98 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _directReplacements
error 109 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceTenPrefixes
error 126 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _replaceBigPrefixes
error 141 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _andition
error 141 No summary for method _andition()
error 155 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of _fractionalAddition
error 155 No summary for method _fractionalAddition()
error 19 No summary for property $DIRECT_NUMS
error 44 No summary for property $TEN_PREFIXES
error 57 No summary for property $BIG_PREFIXES

Uuid.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Inflector.php 12

Type Line Description
error 253 Argument $word is missing from the Docblock of titleize
error 269 Argument $camelCasedWord is missing from the Docblock of underscore
error 285 Argument $underscoredWord is missing from the Docblock of dasherize
error 305 Argument $lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord is missing from the Docblock of humanize
error 326 Argument $classNameInModule is missing from the Docblock of demodulize
error 342 Argument $className is missing from the Docblock of tableize
error 361 Argument $tableName is missing from the Docblock of classify
error 384 Argument $className is missing from the Docblock of foreignKey
error 384 Argument $separateClassNameAndIdWithUnderscore is missing from the Docblock of foreignKey
error 399 Argument $number is missing from the Docblock of ordinalize
error 417 Argument $word is missing from the Docblock of getCache
error 417 Argument $rule is missing from the Docblock of getCache

Timer.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

StringStream.php 1

Type Line Description
error 18 No summary for class \Horde_Support_StringStream

Backtrace.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

ConsistentHash.php 3

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 153 Argument $weight is missing from the Docblock of add
error 153 Name of argument $weight does not match with the DocBlock's name $node in add()

Numerizer.php 6

Type Line Description
error 17 No summary for class \Horde_Support_Numerizer
error 19 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of numerize
error 19 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of numerize
error 19 No summary for method numerize()
error 24 Argument $args is missing from the Docblock of factory
error 24 No summary for method factory()

Array.php 19

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 21 Argument $vars is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 21 No summary for method __construct()
error 30 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of get
error 30 Argument $default is missing from the Docblock of get
error 30 No summary for method get()
error 116 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __get
error 116 No summary for method __get()
error 123 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __set
error 123 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of __set
error 123 No summary for method __set()
error 131 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __isset
error 139 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of __unset
error 156 No summary for method getIterator()
error 166 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetGet
error 176 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 176 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 186 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetExists
error 196 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetUnset

Randomid.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Memory.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file

Stack.php 9

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 18 Argument $stack is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 18 No summary for method __construct()
error 23 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of push
error 23 No summary for method push()
error 28 No summary for method pop()
error 33 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of peek
error 33 No summary for method peek()
error 16 No summary for property $_stack

Stub.php 11

Type Line Description
error 98 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetGet
error 98 No summary for method offsetGet()
error 105 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 105 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of offsetSet
error 105 No summary for method offsetSet()
error 111 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetExists
error 111 No summary for method offsetExists()
error 118 Argument $offset is missing from the Docblock of offsetUnset
error 118 No summary for method offsetUnset()
error 126 No summary for method count()
error 135 No summary for method getIterator()

Guid.php 1

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file