$_conf : array
Viewer configuration.
The Horde_Mime_Viewer_Syntaxhighlighter class renders source code appropriate for highlighting with http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/.
Copyright 2003-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
__construct(\Horde_Mime_Part $part, array $conf = array())
\Horde_Mime_Part | $part | |
array | $conf | Configuration: temp_file - (callback) A callback function that returns a temporary filename. Is passed one parameter: a prefix string. DEFAULT: Uses Horde_Util::getTempFile(). text_filter - (callback) A callback function used to filter text. Is called the same as Horde_Text_Filter::filter(). DEFAULT: Uses Horde_Text_Filter::filter(). |
render(string $mode) : array
Return the rendered version of the Horde_Mime_Part object.
string | $mode | The mode: 'full' - A full representation of the MIME part, for use in a view where the output to the browser can be set to the value returned in 'type'. This mode should only return a single MIME ID entry for viewing and should not return any status information. 'inline' - A representation of the MIME part that can be viewed inline on a text/html page that may contain other HTML elements. 'info' - A representation of the MIME part that can be viewed inline on an text/html page that may contain other HTML elements. This view is not a full view, but rather a condensed view of the contents of the MIME part. This view is intended to be displayed to the user with the intention that this MIME part's subparts may also independently be viewed inline. 'raw' - The raw data of the MIME part, generally useful for downloading a part. This view exists in case this raw data needs to be altered in any way. |
An array. The keys are the MIME parts that were handled by the driver. The values are either null (which indicates the driver is recommending that this particular MIME ID should not be displayed) or an array with the following keys:
'data' - (string) The rendered data. 'status' - (array) An array of status information to be displayed to the user. Consists of arrays with the following keys: 'class' - (string) The class to use for display. 'img' - (string) An image to display. 'text' - (array) The text to display. 'type' - (string) The MIME type of the rendered data.