$_config : array
Class configuration array.
- hostspec: The LDAP host to connect to (may be an array of several hosts to try).
- port: The server port.
- version: LDAP version (defaults to 3).
- tls: When set, ldap_start_tls() is run after connecting.
- binddn: The DN to bind as when searching.
- bindpw: Password to use when searching LDAP.
- basedn: LDAP base.
- options: Hash of LDAP options to set.
- filter: Default search filter.
- scope: Default search scope.
- user: Configuration parameters for \findUserDN(), must contain 'uid', and may contain 'basedn' entries.
- timeout: Connection timeout in seconds (defaults to 5).
- auto_reconnect: If true, the class will automatically attempt to reconnect to the LDAP server in certain failure conditions when attempting a search, or other LDAP operations. Defaults to false. Note that if you set this to true, calls to search() may block indefinitely if there is a catastrophic server failure.
- min_backoff: Minimum reconnection delay period (in seconds).
- current_backof: Initial reconnection delay period (in seconds).
- max_backoff: Maximum reconnection delay period (in seconds).
- cache: A Horde_Cache instance for caching schema requests.