$_extension :
Horde_Data implementation for LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF).
Copyright 2007-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/apache.
exportFile(string $filename, array $data, boolean $header = false)
Builds a LDIF file from a given data structure and triggers its download.
It DOES NOT exit the current script but only outputs the correct headers and data.
string | $filename | The name of the file to be downloaded. |
array | $data | A two-dimensional array containing the data set. |
boolean | $header | If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys. |
exportData(array $data, boolean $header = false) : string
Builds a LDIF file from a given data structure and returns it as a string.
array | $data | A two-dimensional array containing the data set. |
boolean | $header | If true, the rows of $data are associative arrays with field names as their keys. |
The LDIF data.
nextStep(integer $action, array $param = array()) : mixed
Takes all necessary actions for the given import step, parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.
integer | $action | The current step. One of the IMPORT_* constants. |
array | $param | An associative array containing needed parameters for the current step. |
Either the next step as an integer constant or imported data set after the final step.