



Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer_Nag The Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer_Nag class provides additional methods for rendering Nag specific fields.
Nag Nag Base Class.
Nag_Ajax_Application Defines the AJAX interface for Nag.
Nag_Ajax_Application_Handler_Smartmobile Defines AJAX calls used exclusively in the smartmobile view.
Nag_Ajax_Imple_ContactAutoCompleter Attach the contact autocompleter to a HTML element.
Nag_Ajax_Imple_TagAutoCompleter Copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
Nag_Api Nag external API interface.
Nag_Driver Nag_Driver:: defines an API for implementing storage backends for Nag.
Nag_Driver_Kolab Nag driver classes for the Kolab IMAP server.
Nag_Driver_Smartlist Nag storage driver for handling smart tasklists.
Nag_Driver_Sql Nag storage implementation for PHP's PEAR database abstraction layer.
Nag_Exception Base exception class for Nag.
Nag_Factory_Driver Horde_Injector based factory for Nag_Driver.
Nag_Factory_Tasklists The factory for the tasklists handler.
Nag_Form_CreateTaskList The Nag_CreateTaskListForm class provides the form for creating a task list.
Nag_Form_DeleteTaskList The Nag_DeleteTaskListForm class provides the form for deleting a task list.
Nag_Form_EditTaskList The Nag_EditTaskListForm class provides the form for editing a task list.
Nag_Form_Search The Nag_Form_Search class provides the form for searching.
Nag_Form_Task The Nag_Form_Task class provides the form for adding and editing a task.
Nag_Form_Type_NagAlarm The Horde_Form_Type_nag_alarm class provides a form field for editing task alarms.
Nag_Form_Type_NagDue The Horde_Form_Type_nag_due class provides a form field for editing task due dates.
Nag_Form_Type_NagMethod The Horde_Form_Type_nag_method class provides a form field for editing notification methods for a task alarm.
Nag_Form_Type_NagRecurrence The Horde_Form_Type_NagRecurrence class provides a form field for editing task recurrences.
Nag_Form_Type_NagSearchDue The Horde_Form_Type_NagSearchDue:: class provides a form field for combining the due_within and due_of form fields for task searching.
Nag_Form_Type_NagStart The Horde_Form_Type_nag_start class provides a form field for editing task delayed start dates.
Nag_Form_Type_NagTags The Horde_Form_Type_NagTags:: class provides a form field for autocompleting tags.
Nag_LoginTasks_Task_PurgeCompleted Login tasks module that purges completed tasks.
Nag_Prefs_Special_TaskAlarms Special prefs handling for the 'task_alarms_select' preference.
Nag_Search Nag_Search:: Interface for performing task searches.
Nag_Smartmobile Base class for smartmobile view pages.
Nag_TagBrowser Nag_TagBrowser:: class provides logic for dealing with tag browsing.
Nag_Tagger Interface to the Horde_Content tagger
Nag_Task Nag_Task handles as single task as well as a list of tasks and implements a recursive iterator to handle a (hierarchical) list of tasks.
Nag_Tasklist Nag_Tasklist is a light wrapper around a Nag tasklist.
Nag_Tasklists_Base The base functionality of the tasklists handler.
Nag_Tasklists_Default The default tasklists handler.
Nag_Tasklists_Kolab The Kolab specific tasklists handler.
Nag_View_List Task list view.
