No package
FacebookServiceIf | |
Horde_Thrift | Fake class to autoload generated Thrift code |
TProtocolFactory | Protocol factory creates protocol objects from transports |
TApplicationException | NOTE(mcslee): This currently contains a ton of duplicated code from TBase because we need to save CPU cycles and this is not yet in an extension. Ideally we'd multiply-inherit TException from both Exception and Base, but that's not possible in PHP and there are no modules either, so for now we apologetically take a trip to HackTown. |
TException | NOTE(mcslee): This currently contains a ton of duplicated code from TBase because we need to save CPU cycles and this is not yet in an extension. Ideally we'd multiply-inherit TException from both Exception and Base, but that's not possible in PHP and there are no modules either, so for now we apologetically take a trip to HackTown. |
TProtocolException | Protocol exceptions |
TTransportException | Transport exceptions |
apc_fetch | |
apc_store |