Package Pdf
Horde_Pdf_Exception | Exception class for the Horde_Pdf package. All exceptions thrown from the package will be of this type. |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Courier | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Courierb | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Courierbi | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Courieri | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Helvetica | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Helveticab | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Helveticabi | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Helveticai | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Symbol | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Times | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Timesb | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Timesbi | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Timesi | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Font_Zapfdingbats | Font width definition |
Horde_Pdf_Writer | The Horde_Pdf_Writer class provides a PHP-only implementation of a PDF library. No external libs or PHP extensions are required. |