Package Kolab\Server
Horde_Kolab_Server_Composite | A simple composition of server functionality. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_File | This class provides a persistant class for testing the Kolab Server DB. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Mock | This class provides a class for testing the Kolab Server DB. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Mock_Ldap | This class provides a class for testing the Kolab Server DB. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Mock_Search | A mockup class to simulate LDAP search results. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Simpleldap | A simple LDAP setup without read-only slaves. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Splittedldap | A connection to a LDAP master/slave setup. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Clean | A cleanup decoration for Kolab Servers that allows to remove all added objects. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Count | A server decorator that counts the number of database calls and reports them via a logger. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Log | A server delegation that logs server access via Horde_Log_Logger. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Map | A server delegation that maps object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Exception | This class provides the standard error class for Kolab Server exceptions. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Exception_Bindfailed | Indicate that the given bind credentials were invalid. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Exception_Novalue | Indicate a missing attribute value. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Factory | A based Horde_Kolab_Server:: factory. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Ldap | This class provides methods to deal with objects stored in a LDAP db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Ldap_Changes | A helper class to determine an LDAP changeset. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Ldap_Filtered | This class provides methods to deal with objects stored in a filtered LDAP db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Ldap_Standard | This class provides methods to deal with objects stored in a standard LDAP db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_List_Base | A server list implementation. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Base | The base class representing Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Createtimestamp | The "createTimestamp" attribute. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Createtimestampdate | The "createTimestamp" attribute converted to Horde_Date. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Decorator | A base class for attribute decorators. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Default | A decorator to represent an object attribute with a default. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Empty | The base class representing Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_External | The class represents external-only object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Field | The base class representing Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Firstnamelastname | The name of a person in "firstname lastname" format. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Guid | The GUID attribute. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Id | The id part of the GUID of this object. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Internal | The class represents internal-only object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Locked | A decorator to represent a Kolab object attribute that can only be written on object creation and is immutable afterwards. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Modifytimestamp | The "modifyTimestamp" attribute. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Modifytimestampdate | The "modifyTimestamp" attribute converted to Horde_Date. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Objectclass | The "objectClass" attribute. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Openldapaci | The "OpenLDAPaci" attribute. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Required | A decorator to represent required Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Single | A decorator to represent a Kolab object attribute that can only be written on object creation and is immutable afterwards. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Value | The base class representing Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Writelock | A decorator to represent a Kolab object attribute that can never be written. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Base | This class provides methods to deal with Kolab objects stored in the Kolab db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Factory | Factory methods for Horde_Kolab_Server_Object instances. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Groupofnames | This class provides methods to deal with groups. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Hash | Provides array access to Kolab objects. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Inetorgperson | This class provides basic methods common to all Kolab server objects. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab | This class provides methods to deal with the Kolab server configuration object. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Address | This class provides methods to deal with global address book entries for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Administrator | This class provides methods to deal with administrator entries for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Adminrole | This class provides methods to deal with administrator object types. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Distlist | This class provides methods to deal with distribution lists for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Domainmaintainer | This class provides methods associated to Kolab domain maintainers. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_Maintainer | This class provides methods to deal with maintainer entries for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolab_User | This class provides methods to deal with Kolab users stored in the Kolab db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabgermanbankarrangement | This class provides a representation of german bank account information. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabgroupofnames | This class provides methods to deal with groups for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabinetorgperson | This class provides basic methods common to all Kolab server objects. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabpop3account | This class provides a representation of pop3 mail accounts. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Kolabsharedfolder | This class provides methods to deal with shared folders entries for Kolab. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Mcached | Low level caching for the Kolab object. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Organizationalperson | This class provides methods for the organizationalPerson objectclass. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Person | This class provides methods for the person objectclass. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Top | This class provides methods to deal with Kolab objects stored in the Kolab db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Objects_Base | This class provides methods to deal with Kolab objects stored in the Kolab object db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_And | An element grouping by and. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Approx | An element expressing an 'approx' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Begins | An element expressing an 'begins' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Contains | An element expressing an 'contains' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Ends | An element expressing an 'ends' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Equals | An element expressing an 'equals' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Greater | An element expressing an 'greater' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Group | A grouped query element. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Less | An element expressing an 'less' match. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Mapped | A mapped query element. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Not | A negating element. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Or | An element grouping by or. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Single | A single query element. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Ldap | Handler for LDAP server queries. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Result_Ldap | Handler for LDAP query results. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Schema_Base | This class handles the db schema. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Schema_Decorator_Cache | This class handles the db schema. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Base | Handles search operations provided by the objects registered to the server structure. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Addressesforuidormail | Return the mail addresses of the KolabInetOrgPersons with the given uid or mail address and include all alias and delegate addresses. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Attributes | Basic attributes search. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Base | An interface marking object class search operations. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Children | Basic GUID search. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Constraint_Single | Return only a single search result. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Constraint_Strict | Ensures that a search yields only a single return value. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Groupsformember | Return the groups for the given member element. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guid | Basic GUID search. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforalias | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given alias address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforcn | Identify the GUID for the objects found with the given common name. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforkolabusers | Return the GUIDs of all KolabInetOrgPersons. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidformail | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given mail address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidformailoralias | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given mail or alias address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforuid | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given uid. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforuidormail | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given uid or mail address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Guidforuidormailoralias | Return all KolabInetOrgPersons with the given uid, mail or alias address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Mailforuidormail | Return the mail address of the KolabInetOrgPersons with the given uid or mail address. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Restrictgroups | Restrict a search to groupOfNames. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Restrictkolab | Restrict a search to KolabInetOrgPersons. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Attribute_Double | An adapter for attributes that rely on two internal Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Attribute_Value | The base class representing internal Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Base | An abstract class definiing methods to deal with an object tree structure. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Kolab | This class provides methods to deal with Kolab objects stored in the standard Kolab LDAP db. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Ldap | This class provides methods to deal with the LDAP tree structure. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Connection_Interface | Interface for connection handling. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Interface | This class defines the interface of a generic Kolab user database. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_List_Interface | Interface for server lists. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Attribute_Interface | The interface representing Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Interface | Interface describing Kolab objects stored in the server database. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Object_Searches | An interface indicating that an object class provides additional search operations. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Objects_Interface | Interface for a server object list. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Element_Interface | Interface for server query elements. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Query_Interface | Interface for server queries. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Result_Interface | Interface for query results. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Schema_Interface | Interface for the schema handler of a Kolab database. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Interface | Defines the interface of the search handler for a Kolab Server. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Search_Operation_Interface | An interface marking object class search operations. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Attribute_Interface | The interface describing internal Kolab object attributes. |
Horde_Kolab_Server_Structure_Interface | The interface definition for the handlers dealing with the Kolab Server object tree structure. |