1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Copyright 2007-2012 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
4: *
5: * @author Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
6: * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsd BSD
7: * @category Horde
8: * @package Http
9: */
11: /**
12: * @author Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
13: * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsd BSD
14: * @category Horde
15: * @package Http
16: */
17: class Horde_Http_Response_Curl extends Horde_Http_Response_Base
18: {
19: /**
20: * Info on the request obtained from curl_getinfo().
21: *
22: * @var array
23: */
24: protected $_info = array();
26: /**
27: * Response body.
28: *
29: * @var string
30: */
31: protected $_body;
33: /**
34: * Constructor.
35: *
36: * @param string $uri
37: * @param string $curlresult
38: * @param array $curlinfo
39: */
40: public function __construct($uri, $curlresult, $curlinfo)
41: {
42: $this->uri = $uri;
43: $this->_parseResult($curlresult);
44: $this->_parseInfo($curlinfo);
45: }
47: /**
48: * Returns the body of the HTTP response.
49: *
50: * @return string HTTP response body.
51: */
52: public function getBody()
53: {
54: return $this->_body;
55: }
57: /**
58: * Parses the combined header/body result from cURL.
59: *
60: * @param string $curlresult
61: */
62: protected function _parseResult($curlresult)
63: {
64: /* Curl returns multiple headers, if the last action required multiple
65: * requests, e.g. when doing Digest authentication. Only parse the
66: * headers of the latest response. */
67: preg_match_all('/(^|\r\n\r\n)(HTTP\/)/', $curlresult, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
68: $startOfHeaders = $matches[2][count($matches[2]) - 1][1];
69: $endOfHeaders = strpos($curlresult, "\r\n\r\n", $startOfHeaders);
70: $headers = substr($curlresult, $startOfHeaders, $endOfHeaders - $startOfHeaders);
71: $this->_parseHeaders($headers);
72: $this->_body = substr($curlresult, $endOfHeaders + 4);
73: }
75: /**
76: * Processes the results of curl_getinfo.
77: *
78: * @param array $curlinfo
79: */
80: protected function _parseInfo($curlinfo)
81: {
82: $this->uri = $curlinfo['url'];
83: $this->code = $curlinfo['http_code'];
84: $this->_info = $curlinfo;
85: }
86: }