1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Abstract implementation of the Horde_Data:: API for IMC data -
4: * vCards and iCalendar data, etc. Provides a number of utility
5: * methods that vCard and iCalendar implementation can share and rely
6: * on.
7: *
8: * Copyright 1999-2012 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
9: *
10: * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
11: * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21.
12: *
13: * @author Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>
14: * @category Horde
15: * @package Data
16: */
17: class Horde_Data_Imc extends Horde_Data_Base
18: {
19: /**
20: * @var
21: */
22: protected $_iCal = false;
24: /**
25: *
26: * @throws Horde_Data_Exception
27: */
28: public function importData($text)
29: {
30: $this->_iCal = new Horde_Icalendar();
31: if (!$this->_iCal->parsevCalendar($text)) {
32: throw new Horde_Data_Exception(Horde_Data_Translation::t("There was an error importing the iCalendar data."));
33: }
35: return $this->_iCal->getComponents();
36: }
38: /**
39: * Builds an iCalendar file from a given data structure and
40: * returns it as a string.
41: *
42: * @param array $data An array containing Horde_Icalendar_Vevent
43: * objects
44: * @param string $method The iTip method to use.
45: *
46: * @return string The iCalendar data.
47: */
48: public function exportData($data, $method = 'REQUEST')
49: {
50: $this->_iCal = new Horde_Icalendar();
51: $this->_iCal->setAttribute('METHOD', $method);
53: foreach ($data as $event) {
54: $this->_iCal->addComponent($event);
55: }
57: return $this->_iCal->exportvCalendar();
58: }
60: /**
61: * Builds an iCalendar file from a given data structure and
62: * triggers its download. It DOES NOT exit the current script but
63: * only outputs the correct headers and data.
64: *
65: * @param string $filename The name of the file to be downloaded.
66: * @param array $data An array containing Horde_Icalendar_Vevents
67: */
68: public function exportFile($filename, $data)
69: {
70: if (!isset($this->_browser)) {
71: throw new LogicException('Missing browser parameter.');
72: }
74: $export = $this->exportData($data);
75: $this->_browser->downloadHeaders($filename, 'text/calendar', false, strlen($export));
76: echo $export;
77: }
79: /**
80: * Takes all necessary actions for the given import step,
81: * parameters and form values and returns the next necessary step.
82: *
83: * @param integer $action The current step. One of the IMPORT_* constants.
84: * @param array $param An associative array containing needed
85: * parameters for the current step.
86: *
87: * @return mixed Either the next step as an integer constant or imported
88: * data set after the final step.
89: * @throws Horde_Data_Exception
90: */
91: public function nextStep($action, $param = array())
92: {
93: switch ($action) {
94: case Horde_Data::IMPORT_FILE:
95: parent::nextStep($action, $param);
96: $this->importFile($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']);
97: return $this->_iCal->getComponents();
98: }
100: return parent::nextStep($action, $param);
101: }
103: }