Package Core
Horde | The Horde:: class provides the functionality shared by all Horde applications. |
Horde_Config | The Horde_Config:: package provides a framework for managing the configuration of Horde applications, writing conf.php files from conf.xml source files, generating user interfaces, etc. |
Horde_Config_Form | A Horde_Form:: form that implements a user interface for the config system. |
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Connector | Registry connector for Horde backend. Provides the communication between the Horde Registry on the local machine and the ActiveSync Horde driver. |
Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Driver | Horde backend. Provides the communication between horde data and ActiveSync server. |
Horde_Core_Ajax_Application | Defines the AJAX interface for an application. |
Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple | Class to attach PHP actions to javascript elements. |
Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple_AutoCompleter | Attach an auto completer to a javascript element. |
Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple_Geocoder_Geonames | Geocode client for the Geonames API. |
Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple_SpellChecker | Attach the spellchecker to a javascript element. |
Horde_Core_Alarm_Handler_Notify | A Horde_Alarm handler that notifies of active alarms over the Horde_Notification system. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Application | The Horde_Core_Auth_Application class provides application-specific authentication built on top of the horde/Auth API. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Composite | The Horde_Core_Auth_Composite class provides Horde-specific functions on top of the base composite driver. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Ldap | The Horde_Core_Auth_Ldap class provides Horde-specific code that extends the base LDAP driver. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Msad | The Horde_Core_Auth_Msad class provides Horde-specific code that extends the base LDAP driver. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Shibboleth | The Horde_Core_Auth_Shibboleth class provides Horde-specific code that extends the base Shibboleth driver. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Signup_Base | This class defines the abstract driver implementation for Horde_Core_Auth_Signup. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Signup_Form | Horde Signup Form. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Signup_Null | The Null implementation of Horde_Core_Auth_Signup. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Signup_Sql | The SQL implementation of Horde_Core_Auth_Signup. |
Horde_Core_Auth_Signup_SqlObject | SQL storage object for auth signup information. |
Horde_Core_Autoloader_Callback_Mime | |
Horde_Core_Autoloader_Callback_Nls | |
Horde_Core_Block | An abstract class representing a single block in the portal/block display. |
Horde_Core_Block_Collection | This class provides an API to the blocks (applets) framework. |
Horde_Core_Block_Layout | Provides basic functionality for both managing and displaying blocks. |
Horde_Core_Block_Layout_Manager | Provides manipulation of block layouts. |
Horde_Core_Block_Layout_View | This object represents the user defined portal layout. |
Horde_Core_Block_Upgrade | This class allows upgrading portal config preferences from H3 -> H4 format. |
Horde_Core_Browser | The Horde_Core_Browser class extends the base Horde_Browser class by allowing storage of IE version information in order to identify additional browser quirks. |
Horde_Core_Bundle | Base class for the Horde bundle API. |
Horde_Core_Cli | Wrapper for Horde_Cli that adds functionality specific to Horde applications. |
Horde_Core_Controller_NotFound | |
Horde_Core_Controller_RequestConfiguration | Object to contain request information as it relates to which controller to create. |
Horde_Core_Controller_RequestMapper | |
Horde_Core_Controller_SettingsFinder | |
Horde_Core_Db_Migration | |
Horde_Core_Factory_ActiveSyncBackend | |
Horde_Core_Factory_ActiveSyncServer | |
Horde_Core_Factory_ActiveSyncState | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Ajax | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Core_Ajax_Application:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Alarm | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Core_Ajax_Application:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Auth | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Auth:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_AuthSignup | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Base | The abstract Horde factory class. |
Horde_Core_Factory_BlockCollection | A Horde_Injector:: based factory for creating Horde_Core_Block_Collection objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Browser | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Cache | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Cache:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Crypt | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Crypt:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Data | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Data:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Db | A Horde_Injector:: based factory for creating Horde_Db_Adapter objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_DbBase | |
Horde_Core_Factory_DbPear | A Horde_Injector:: based factory for creating PEAR DB objects.. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Dns | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Editor | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Editor:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Facebook | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Group | |
Horde_Core_Factory_History | |
Horde_Core_Factory_HttpClient | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Identity | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Identity:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Image | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Imple | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Core_Ajax_Imple:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Imsp | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Imsp:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_ImspAuth | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Imsp_Auth:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Injector | The abstract Horde injector class. |
Horde_Core_Factory_KolabServer | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Kolab_Server:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_KolabSession | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Kolab_Session:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_KolabStorage | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Kolab_Storage:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Ldap | A Horde_Injector:: based factory for creating Horde_Ldap objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Lock | Factory for creating Horde_Lock objects |
Horde_Core_Factory_Logger | |
Horde_Core_Factory_LoginTasks | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_LoginTasks:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Mail | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Mapper | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Matcher | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Memcache | |
Horde_Core_Factory_MimeViewer | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Mime_Viewer factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Notification | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Perms | Factory for creating Horde_Perms objects |
Horde_Core_Factory_PermsCore | Copyright 2011-2012 Horde LLC ( |
Horde_Core_Factory_Prefs | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Prefs:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Request | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Secret | |
Horde_Core_Factory_SessionHandler | Factory for creating Horde_SessionHandler objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Share | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Share factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_ShareBase | A Horde_Injector based Horde_Share factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Template | |
Horde_Core_Factory_TextFilter | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Text_Filter_Base:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_ThemesCache | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Themes_Cache:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Token | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Tree | A Horde_Injector:: based Horde_Tree:: factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Twitter | Binder for creating Horde_Service_Twitter objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_UrlShortener | |
Horde_Core_Factory_Vfs | A Horde_Injector based Horde_Vfs factory. |
Horde_Core_Factory_View | A Horde_Injector:: based factory for creating Horde_View objects. |
Horde_Core_Factory_Weather | |
Horde_Core_Group_Ldap | This class provides Horde-specific code that extends the base LDAP driver. |
Horde_Core_Log_Logger | This class extends the base Horde_Log_Logger class to ensure that the log entries are consistently generated across the applications and framework libraries. |
Horde_Core_LoginTasks | This class extends the base LoginTasks class in order to ensure Horde tasks are always run first. |
Horde_Core_LoginTasks_Backend_Horde | This class provides the Horde specific implementation of the LoginTasks backend. |
Horde_Core_LoginTasks_SystemTask_Upgrade | Login system task for automated upgrade tasks. |
Horde_Core_Mime_Viewer_Syntaxhighlighter | The Horde_Mime_Viewer_Syntaxhighlighter class renders source code appropriate for highlighting with |
Horde_Core_Mime_Viewer_Vcard | The Horde_Core_Mime_Viewer_Vcard class renders out vCards in HTML format. |
Horde_Core_Notification_Event_Status | This class defines the base Horde status notification types. |
Horde_Core_Notification_Handler_Decorator_Hordelog | The Hordelog Decorator logs error events via Horde::logMessage(). |
Horde_Core_Notification_Storage_Session | A class that stores notifications in the session, using Horde_Session. |
Horde_Core_Perms | The Horde_Core_Perms class provides information about internal Horde elements that can be managed through the Horde_Perms system. |
Horde_Core_Perms_Ui | The Horde_Core_Perms_Ui class provides UI methods for the Horde permissions system. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Cache_Session | Cache storage implementation using Horde_Session. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Identity | This class provides Horde-specific functions for the Horde_Prefs_Identity class. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Storage_Configuration | Preferences storage implementation that loads the default values from the configuration files. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Storage_Hooks | Preferences storage implementation that adds support for Horde hooks to manipulate preference values. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Storage_Upgrade | Utility methods to upgrade Horde 3 preference values. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui | Class for generating/processing the preferences UI. |
Horde_Core_Prefs_Ui_Widgets | Collection of prefs UI widgets for use with application-specific (a/k/a 'special') configuration. |
Horde_Core_Share_Driver | Horde specific wrapper for Horde_Share drivers. Adds Horde hook calls etc... |
Horde_Core_Share_FactoryCallback | Small factory class for wrapping the injection of Horde_Share objects into the Horde_Share_Object objects. We must use $GLOBALS here instead of keeping a reference to the injector since this object will be serialized along with the Horde_Share_Object object. |
Horde_Core_Sidebar | This class provides the code needed to generate the Horde sidebar. |
Horde_Core_Text_Filter_Bbcode | Class that extends the base Bbcode class to allow output of Horde urls. |
Horde_Core_Text_Filter_Emails | The Horde_Text_Filter_Emails:: class finds email addresses in a block of text and turns them into links. |
Horde_Core_Text_Filter_Emoticons | Class that extends the base emoticons class to allow output of Horde image tags. |
Horde_Core_Text_Filter_Highlightquotes | Class that extends the base Highlightquotes class to allow toggling of quoteblocks via javascript. |
Horde_Core_Translation | Horde_Core_Translation is the translation wrapper class for Horde_Core. |
Horde_Core_Tree_Html | The Horde_Core_Tree_Html:: class extends the Horde_Tree_Html class to provide for creation of Horde-specific URLs. |
Horde_Core_Tree_Javascript | The Horde_Core_Tree_Javascript:: class provides javascript rendering of a tree. |
Horde_Core_Tree_Simplehtml | The Horde_Core_Tree_Simplehtml:: class extends the Horde_Tree_Simplehtml class to provide for creation of Horde-specific URLs. |
Horde_Core_Ui_FlagImage | The Horde_Core_Ui_FlagImage:: class provides a widget for linking to a flag image. |
Horde_Core_Ui_JsCalendar | The Horde_Core_Ui_JsCalendar:: class generates the necessary javascript code to allow the javascript calendar widget to be displayed on the page. |
Horde_Core_Ui_Language | The Horde_Core_Ui_Language:: class provides a widget for changing the currently selected language. |
Horde_Core_Ui_Layout | |
Horde_Core_Ui_ModalFormRenderer | Horde Modal Form Renderer |
Horde_Core_Ui_Pager | The Horde_Core_Ui_Pager:: provides links to individual pages. |
Horde_Core_Ui_Tabs | The Horde_Core_Ui_Tabs:: class manages and renders a tab-like interface. |
Horde_Core_Ui_TagCloud | Horde_Core_Ui_TagCloud:: for creating and displaying tag clouds. |
Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer | The Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer:: class provides base functionality for other Horde UI elements. |
Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer_Html | The Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer_html:: class renders variables to HTML. |
Horde_Core_Ui_VarRenderer_TablesetHtml | Copyright 2003-2012 Horde LLC ( |
Horde_Core_Ui_Widget | The Horde_Core_Ui_Widget:: class provides base functionality for other Horde UI elements. |
Horde_ErrorHandler | Horde_ErrorHandler: simple error_handler implementation for handling PHP errors, generating backtraces for them, etc. |
Horde_Help | The Horde_Help:: class provides an interface to the online help subsystem. |
Horde_Menu | The Horde_Menu:: class provides standardized methods for creating menus in Horde applications. |
Horde_Registry | The Horde_Registry:: class provides a set of methods for communication between Horde applications and keeping track of application configuration information. |
Horde_Registry_Api | Default class for application defined API calls. |
Horde_Registry_Application | Default class for the Horde Application API. |
Horde_Registry_Caller | TODO |
Horde_Registry_Nlsconfig | Interface to NLS configuration. |
Horde_Script_Files | The Horde_Script_Files:: class provides a coherent way to manage script files for inclusion in Horde output. This class is meant to be used internally by Horde:: only. |
Horde_Session | The Horde_Session:: class provides a set of methods for handling the administration and contents of the Horde session variable. |
Horde_Session_Null | The Horde_Session_Null:: class provides a set of methods for handling the administration and contents of the Horde session variable when the PHP session is not desired. Needed so things like application authentication can work within a single HTTP request when we don't need the overhead of a full PHP session. |
Horde_Themes | The Horde_Themes:: class provides an interface to handling Horde themes. |
Horde_Themes_Cache | This class is responsible for parsing/building theme elements and then caching these results. |
Horde_Themes_Css | This class provides an interface to handling CSS stylesheets for Horde applications. |
Horde_Themes_Element | The Horde_Themes_Element:: class provides an object-oriented interface to a themes element. |
Horde_Themes_Image | The Horde_Themes_Image:: class provides an object-oriented interface to a themed image. |
Horde_Themes_Sound | The Horde_Themes_Sound:: class provides an object-oriented interface to a themed sound. |
Horde_Exception_HookNotSet | Horde_Exception_HookNotSet is thrown when a called Horde hook does not exist. |