1: <?php
2: /**
3: * @author Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>
4: * @author Mike Naberezny <mike@maintainable.com>
5: * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsd BSD
6: * @category Horde
7: * @package Argv
8: */
10: /**
11: * Raised if an ambiguous option is seen on the command line.
12: *
13: * @category Horde
14: * @package Argv
15: */
16: class Horde_Argv_AmbiguousOptionException extends Horde_Argv_BadOptionException
17: {
18: public function __construct($opt_str, $possibilities)
19: {
20: // Have to skip the BadOptionException constructor or the string gets double-prefixed.
21: Horde_Argv_OptionException::__construct(sprintf('ambiguous option: %s (%s?)', $opt_str, implode(', ', $possibilities)));
22: }
24: }