1: <?php
2: /**
3: * ActiveSync Handler for SendMail requests
4: *
5: * Copyright 2009-2012 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
6: *
7: * @author Michael J. Rubinsky <mrubinsk@horde.org>
8: * @package ActiveSync
9: */
10: /**
11: * Zarafa Deutschland GmbH, www.zarafaserver.de
12: * This file is distributed under GPL-2.0.
13: * Consult COPYING file for details
14: */
15: class Horde_ActiveSync_Request_SendMail extends Horde_ActiveSync_Request_Base
16: {
17: /**
18: *
19: * @param $protocolversion
20: * @return unknown_type
21: */
22: public function handle()
23: {
24: $this->_logger->info('[' . $this->_device->id . '] Handling SendMail command.');
26: // All that happens here is that we receive an rfc822 message on stdin
27: // and just forward it to the backend. We provide no output except for
28: // an OK http reply
29: $rfc822 = file_get_contents('php://input');//$this->_request->getBody();
31: return $this->_driver->sendMail($rfc822);
32: }
33: }