1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:
10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16:
17: class Nag_Form_EditTaskList extends Horde_Form
18: {
19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24:
25: protected $_tasklist;
27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
32: public function __construct($vars, Horde_Share_Object $tasklist)
33: {
34: $this->_tasklist = $tasklist;
35: parent::__construct($vars, sprintf(_("Edit %s"), $tasklist->get('name')));
36: $this->addHidden('', 't', 'text', true);
37: $this->addVariable(_("Task List Name"), 'name', 'text', true);
38: $this->addVariable(_("Task List Description"), 'description', 'longtext', false, false, null, array(4, 60));
39: if ($GLOBALS['registry']->isAdmin()) {
40: $this->addVariable(
41: _("System Task List"), 'system', 'boolean', false, false,
42: _("System task lists don't have an owner. Only administrators can change the task list settings and permissions.")
43: );
44: }
45: $this->setButtons(array(_("Save")));
46: }
48: public function execute()
49: {
50: $info = array();
51: foreach (array('name', 'color', 'description', 'system') as $key) {
52: $info[$key] = $this->_vars->get($key);
53: }
54: return Nag::updateTasklist($this->_tasklist, $info);
55: }
57: }