1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14:
15: class Jonah_Form_Feed extends Horde_Form
16: {
17: 18:
19: function __construct(&$vars)
20: {
21: $channel_id = $vars->get('channel_id');
22: $editing = (!empty($channel_id));
24: parent::Horde_Form($vars, ($editing ? _("Edit Feed") : _("New Feed")));
26: $this->addHidden('', 'channel_id', 'int', false);
27: $this->addHidden('', 'old_channel_type', 'text', false);
29: $select_type =& $this->addVariable(_("Type"), 'channel_type', 'enum', true, false, null, array(Jonah::getAvailableTypes()));
30: $select_type->setDefault(Jonah::INTERNAL_CHANNEL);
31: $select_type->setHelp('feed-type');
32: $select_type->setAction(Horde_Form_Action::factory('submit'));
34: $this->addVariable(_("Name"), 'channel_name', 'text', true);
35: $this->addVariable(_("Extra information for this feed type"), 'extra_info', 'header', false);
36: }
38: 39:
40: function ($channel_id = null)
41: {
42: $this->addVariable(_("Description"), 'channel_desc', 'text', false);
43: $this->addVariable(
44: _("Channel Slug"), 'channel_slug', 'text', true, false,
45: sprintf(_("Slugs allows direct access to this channel's content by visiting: %s. <br /> Slug names may contain only letters, numbers or the _ (underscore) character."),
46: Horde::url('slugname')),
47: array('/^[a-zA-Z1-9_]*$/'));
49: $this->addVariable(_("Include full story content in syndicated feeds?"), 'channel_full_feed', 'boolean', false);
50: $this->addVariable(_("Channel URL if not the default one. %c gets replaced by the feed ID."), 'channel_link', 'text', false);
51: $this->addVariable(_("Channel URL for further pages, if not the default one. %c gets replaced by the feed ID, %n by the story offset."), 'channel_page_link', 'text', false);
52: $this->addVariable(_("Story URL if not the default one. %c gets replaced by the feed ID, %s by the story ID."), 'channel_story_url', 'text', false);
53: }
55: }