1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Jonah_Driver factory.
4: *
5: * Copyright 2010-2012 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
6: *
7: * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (BSD). If you did not
8: * did not receive this file, see http://cvs.horde.org/co.php/jonah/LICENSE.
9: *
10: * @author Michael J. Rubinsky <mrubinsk@horde.org>
11: * @author Ben Klang <ben@alkaloid.net>
12: * @package Jonah
13: */
14: class Jonah_Factory_Driver extends Horde_Core_Factory_Injector
15: {
16: /**
17: * Instances.
18: *
19: * @var array
20: */
21: private $_instances = array();
23: /**
24: * Return the driver instance.
25: *
26: * @param string $driver The concrete driver to return
27: * @param array $params An array of additional driver parameters.
28: *
29: * @return Jonah_Driver
30: * @throws Jonah_Exception
31: */
32: public function create(Horde_Injector $injector)
33: {
34: $driver = Horde_String::ucfirst($GLOBALS['conf']['news']['storage']['driver']);
35: $driver = basename($driver);
36: $params = Horde::getDriverConfig(array('news', 'storage'), $driver);
38: $sig = md5($driver . serialize($params));
39: if (isset($this->_instances[$sig])) {
40: return $this->_instances[$sig];
41: }
43: $class = 'Jonah_Driver_' . $driver;
44: if (class_exists($class)) {
45: $object = new $class($params);
46: $this->_instances[$sig] = $object;
47: } else {
48: throw new Jonah_Exception(sprintf(_("No such backend \"%s\" found"), $driver));
49: }
51: return $this->_instances[$sig];
52: }
53: }