1: <?php
2: /**
3: * Ansel_View_GalleryRenderer:: Base class for all gallery renderers.
4: *
5: * Copyright 2008-2012 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/)
6: *
7: * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
8: * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/gpl.
9: *
10: * @author Michael J. Rubinsky <mrubinsk@horde.org>
11: * @package Ansel
12: */
13: abstract class Ansel_View_GalleryRenderer_Base
14: {
15: /**
16: * The Ansel_View_Gallery object that this Renderer belongs to.
17: *
18: * @var Ansel_View_Gallery
19: */
20: public $view;
22: /**
23: * The gallery id for this view's gallery
24: * (Convenience instead of $this->view->gallery->id)
25: *
26: * @var integer
27: */
28: public $galleryId;
30: /**
31: * Gallery slug for current gallery.
32: *
33: * @var string
34: */
35: public $gallerySlug;
37: /**
38: * The current page we are viewing
39: *
40: * @var integer
41: */
42: public $page = 0;
44: /**
45: * The display mode of the current gallery.
46: * 0 == Normal
47: * 1 == Group by date
48: *
49: * @var integer
50: */
51: public $mode;
53: /**
54: * The style definition.
55: *
56: * @var Ansel_Style
57: */
58: public $style;
60: /**
61: * Holds number of tiles to display per page
62: *
63: * @var integer
64: */
65: public $perpage;
67: /**
68: * The tile number we are starting with on the current page.
69: *
70: * @var integer
71: */
72: public $pagestart;
74: /**
75: * The last tile number on the current page.
76: *
77: * @var integer
78: */
79: public $pageend;
81: /**
82: * The total number of tiles that this view contains
83: *
84: * @var integer
85: */
86: public $numTiles;
88: /**
89: * The Ansel_Image or Ansel_DateGallery objects that appear on the current
90: * page in the current view.
91: *
92: * @var array of Ansel_Image or Ansel_DateGallery objects.
93: */
94: public $children;
96: /**
97: * If we are grouping by date, this holds the currently selected date parts.
98: *
99: * @var array containing sufficient date parts for the current depth.
100: */
101: public $date = array();
103: /**
104: * Human readable title for this view type
105: *
106: * @var string
107: */
108: public $title;
110: /**
111: * Constructor
112: *
113: * @param Ansel_View_Gallery The view object for this renderer.
114: */
115: public function __construct($view)
116: {
117: $this->view = $view;
118: }
120: /**
121: * Initialize the renderer. This *must* be called before any attempt is made
122: * to display or otherwise interact with the renderer.
123: *
124: * @TODO: Not sure why I didn't put this in the const'r - try moving it.
125: */
126: public function init()
127: {
128: global $prefs, $conf;
130: $this->galleryId = $this->view->gallery->id;
131: $this->gallerySlug = $this->view->gallery->get('slug');
132: $this->page = $this->view->page;
134: // Number perpage from prefs or config
135: if ($this->view->tilesperpage) {
136: $this->perpage = $this->view->tilesperpage;
137: } else {
138: $this->perpage = min($prefs->getValue('tilesperpage'),
139: $conf['thumbnail']['perpage']);
140: }
141: $this->pagestart = ($this->page * $this->perpage) + 1;
143: // Fetch the children
144: $this->fetchChildren($this->view->force_grouping);
146: // Do we have an explicit style set from the API?
147: // If not, use the gallery's
148: if (!empty($this->view->style)) {
149: $this->style = Ansel::getStyleDefinition($this->view->style);
150: } else {
151: $this->style = $this->view->gallery->getStyle();
152: }
154: // Include any widgets
155: if (!empty($this->style->widgets) && !$this->view->api) {
156: // Special case widgets - these are built in
157: if (array_key_exists('Actions', $this->style->widgets)) {
158: // Don't show action widget if no actions
159: if ($GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth() ||
160: !empty($conf['report_content']['driver']) &&
161: (($conf['report_content']['allow'] == 'authenticated' &&
162: $GLOBALS['registry']->isAuthenticated()) ||
163: $conf['report_content']['allow'] == 'all')) {
165: $this->view->addWidget(Ansel_Widget::factory('Actions'));
166: }
167: unset($this->style->widgets['Actions']);
168: }
170: // Gallery widgets always receive an array of image ids for
171: // the current page.
172: $ids = $this->getChildImageIds();
173: foreach ($this->style->widgets as $wname => $wparams) {
174: $wparams = array_merge($wparams, array('images' => $ids));
175: $this->view->addWidget(Ansel_Widget::factory($wname, $wparams));
176: }
177: }
179: /* See if any renderer specific tasks need to be done as well */
180: $this->_init();
181: }
183: /**
184: * Default implementation for fetching children/images for this view.
185: * Other view classes can override this if they need anything special.
186: */
187: public function fetchChildren($noauto)
188: {
189: /* Total number of tiles for this gallery view */
190: $this->numTiles = $this->view->gallery->countGalleryChildren(Horde_Perms::SHOW, false, $noauto);
192: /* Children to display on this page */
193: $this->children = $this->view->gallery->getGalleryChildren(
194: Horde_Perms::SHOW,
195: $this->page * $this->perpage,
196: $this->perpage,
197: !empty($this->view->force_grouping));
199: /* The last tile number to display on the current page */
200: $this->pageend = min($this->numTiles, $this->pagestart + $this->perpage - 1);
201: }
203: public function getChildImageIds()
204: {
205: $ids = array();
206: foreach ($this->children as $child) {
207: if ($child instanceof Ansel_Image) {
208: $ids[] = $child->id;
209: }
210: }
211: return $ids;
212: }
214: /**
215: * Return the HTML for this view. Done this way so we can override this in
216: * subclasses if desired.
217: *
218: * @return string
219: */
220: abstract public function html();
221: abstract protected function _init();
222: }